Biblia Global - Donate

Donations by mail:

Biblia Global

PO BOX 620892

Littleton, CO 80162


King Soopers/City Market Community Rewards

A percentage of your purchase of groceries will go to support Biblia Global and our Bible Programs


Biblia Global is a 501(c)(3) organization exempt from Federal taxes.  All contributions to Biblia Global are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law and are made with the understanding that Biblia Global has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.  By making a donation to Biblia Global, the donor understands that the charitable donation is completed and is not refundable.

Our desire for donors

Our desire is that each donor honor and obey God with their finances and their giving.  We encourage you to pray before giving to us or any other organization and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in where and how you give.  If you feel the Lord would have you partner with Biblia Global and the mission he has called us to, we welcome your partnership!

For our part, we promise to depend on the Holy Spirit and the Word of God in all we do; to focus on the hearts of givers rather than a financial bottom line; and to follow Biblical principles of stewardship and integrity.

Our Vision for FUND RAISING

Our method of raising funding is not one of asking, begging, or guilting people to donate money.  We won’t create an artificial crisis in order to play on people’s fears and emotions to motivate them to donate money. We will not focus on the bottom line and simply meeting budget goals.  We do not want people to donate money because they get something earthly in return, like premiums, naming opportunities, or membership in VIP clubs.

We instead desire that all Christians experience whole life transformation and Christian maturity.  We believe that generous Christian giving is the result of the transformation of a person’s character as he or she is conformed to the image of Christ.  As the Christian is conformed to the image of Christ, they then become generous back towards God in every area of their lives as Christ has been generous to them. The spiritual transformation process is one of growing giver’s hearts to be rich back towards God as He has been rich towards them in giving His son Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin.  Fund raising for Biblia Global, then, is seen as a part of discipleship and spiritual formation; we seek to cultivate spiritual maturity and facilitate heart transformation in the donor, whether or not they give to our organization or not. 

Fund raising for Biblia Global is offering opportunities to involve God’s people in God’s work.  We share what God is doing around the world and then make the corresponding needs known and offering partnering opportunities.  It is then up to the donor to decide if God is leading them to give to our organization. God motivates people to give. God moves in people’s hearts.  God is ultimately the fund-raiser.

Rest assured that when you direct a gift for a specific purpose, 100% of that gift will go to that intended purpose. We don't take out any "administration" fee or cut when giving to a specific project. If you give $100 for Bibles for China, $100 will go directly to the printing and delivery of Chinese Bibles. How is this possible? Our organization is lean on administration costs and supported by the efforts of many volunteers. The generous gifts of those who give to our "Where Most Needed" fund help pay for our organizations costs.

We realize the importance of keeping the giver who has invested money in God’s work informed with reports and feedback, sharing what God and Biblia Global are doing. *

* A book which has influenced our thinking on these subjects and is highly recommended is Revolution in Generosity, ed. Wesley Willmer, Moody Publishers, Chicago, 2008.

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.
— 1 John 3:1-2, ESV