English and Burmese Bibles For Myanmar
While Biblia Global has worked since 2015 to get hundreds of thousands of Bibles into Myanmar for ethnic minority languages like the Akha, Karen, Kachin, Lahu, and Chin, we have been blessed with the opportunity to covertly provide English study Bibles, English Bible reference material, and Burmese Bibles to Burmese pastors, Bible schools and Bible based Seminaries. The courses, course material, and reference material (i.e Bible dictionaries, commentaries, background studies, etc.) are in English, so an English Bible is mandatory for these future Christian leaders. English Bibles and material are next to impossible to find in Myanmar! Our contacts report that many of the young people have become disillusioned by the Burmese military and Burmese government, are turning to the Lord, and seeking to serve the Lord with their whole lives so more and more young people are pursuing full-time Christian service!
For a background on Myanmar and the current situation of the country click HERE.
As a result of the ongoing civil war and conflict in Myanmar, many young people have begun turning to the Lord and entering Bible schools to seek to serve the Lord with their lives. The courses and study material at these Bible schools and seminaries in Myanmar are in English, so an English Bible is mandatory. One of the greatest needs then for these young people's study is an English Bible, yet next to impossible for students and instructors to find within such a closed , war-torn country. These are the next generation of pastors, shepherds, and Christians leaders in Myanmar and it is an honor for Biblia Global to help meet this need. Biblia Global sent 3,957 English Bibles and Bible based material to Myanmar in 2024 where it was clandestinely brought into Bible schools and seminaries. The Bibles were distributed in 2024 and will continue to be distributed into 2025. Images below are from a number of the distributions. Testimonies have been slightly edited for clarity and security purposes.
Mr. Aung, Myanmar
I am Mr. Aung, from Southern Chin State, and study at DT Seminary. Because I and many other people from my region [the Western Part of Myanmar] ran for our lives because of the fighting of the civil war, I have nothing left in my life except only one shirt and one pair of pants. When I got to Bible Seminary, my teachers and friends gave me help and even gave me clothing.
An English Bible was the greatest need in my Bible student life and I eagerly wanted to own one before I began studying in Bible Seminary but I did not believe I could own one because of my Parent’s poverty and my recent condition of running from the civil war. When other of my friends owned and were able to read an English Bible I really wanted to be like them. Yet God is so good to me. Even though I couldn’t afford to own one, now I received an English Bible for free. Thanks to you all, God bless you.
Miss. Sui, Myanmar
My name is Miss Sui, I study at GFM Theological Seminary. I have been using only an English New Testament the last 5 years of my Bible student life. I never dreamed to own a full English Bible because I have no parents. My parents died in the jungle by a snake when they ran for lives. My life is full with sorrow and difficulties. I couldn’t smile in my life before I accepted Christ as my personal Savior and Lord. I take a picture with a big smile only twice in my life. First smile is the day when I accepted Christ as my personal savior and Lord and the second is the moment I received this English Bible freely. Thanks for your deepest concern and your generous donation of a Bible to me and others who really need English Bible in our country. YOU ALL ARE AMAZING TO OTHERS BECAUSE YOU LOVE GOD. God bless you all richly in your future.
Miss. Tin Tin, Myanmar
My name is Miss Tin Tin, I am from a Buddhist family background. I converted and became a Christian and began studying in ME Graduate School of Theology. When I accepted Christ and became a Christian, my parents and relatives kicked me out from my family. There is no place for me even to sleep. Physically I am so discouraged and so sad. But I strongly decided in my heart that there is no turning back to Buddhism. Then, God opened the door for me to study in Bible school. I didn’t have an English Bible and also there is no English Bible even to buy. I didn’t know how to get an English Bible but God opened the way for me to get one freely. Now, I received an English Bible freely and my greatest need for my study in Bible school has been met now because if I couldn't find an English Bible my study would have been impossible. I am so happy and today is the happiest day for me. God bless you.
Miss. Esther, Myanmar
My name is Miss Esther, and I am studying at BI of Theology. One of the happiest days in my life is when I received an English Bible freely because this is my greatest need to continue my study at the Bible Institute. My big smile of me is proof to show how great is the happiness in my heart.
As soon as I arrived in Yangon, I tried to find an English Bible but there were no English Bibles in all Christian book shops. We started class but I had no English Bible. Sometimes, I borrowed from senior students. However, I faced many problems because I couldn’t find my own English Bible. I tried to stop study at the Bible Institute because of this problem but the principal encouraged me to pray and wait. I already decided, if I couldn’t get an English Bible by the end of first Semester, I will stop studying at the Bible Institute. But God didn’t allow to stop studying His Word and before the end of first semester, Rev. J came to our Institute and distributed English Bibles to all the new students and also to those who do not have an English Bible. Now, I decided again to study till the end of my course and serve the Lord till the last minute of my life. I can make this decision because of all donors of this English Bible to me freely.
You are a blessing for me and those others who don’t have an English Bible. God bless you all more and more. There are many Bible students who don’t have an English Bible. Please remember them in your prayers and continually help them every year. Thank You.
Miss. Sarah, Myanmar
My name is Miss. Sarah, Bachelor of Theology first year at BI Theology, Yangon. I came from a very small village in Chin state. All houses in our village were burned by the military so that my parents also flee to another village. All my parent’s property were burned up and gone so that my parents couldn’t support me financially. I am so sad because there was no English Bible as we are study with the English language. My uncle tried to buy an English Bible for me but there is no English Bible even to buy. He went to all Christian bookshop in Yangon but no English Bible.
When I was upset because of no English Bible, God sent his chosen and faithful man Rev. J and he gave me an English Bible freely. I praise God with tears because my greatest need of an English Bible has been met.
This is the very first time I owned English Bible in my life. God bless you all.
Thanks to all donators. You make me smile so that I can smile now. Thank you.
Mr. San, Myanmar
My name is Mr. San, B.Th., final year at BI Theology, Yangon.
There are no words for me to say to you because I am so happy. Even though I am a final year student, I didn’t have my own Bible. Sometimes, I made xerox copy from my friend’s Bible. I have tried to get an English Bible but it is not easy to find a Bible even to buy.
By the grace of God, you all of God’s chosen people deeply concerned for the Bible students and also those who eagerly need English Bible so that now I received freely and owned the best paper quality Bible.
This is the very first time I received and own English Bible in my life. How great a blessing this is to me from God through His chosen people … Your donation is so precious to us.
You all are the PRECIOUS CHANNEL to be a blessing for others especially me. There are many Bible students don’t have Bible like me in our country. Please continually help our country’s need for English Bible and also library books.
God bless you all.
Miss San San, Myanmar
I am Miss. San from Kayah state [South East Myanmar], and study at BI school of Theology.
I am a second year Bachelor of Theology student. My father bought an English Bible last year but when I went back to home on summer holiday, the military burned our house down and my only English Bible was also burned up. I was so sad because it is not easy to get an English Bible again. I prayed to God the whole summer to get an English Bible again. God answered my prayer through you all, those who love God and are deeply concerned with the needy people in the world, especially in our country, Myanmar.
Now, I received a brand new Bible freely and this one is better than the first one.Thank you so much to all who helped us get these Bibles and the donors to be able to get these freely, for me and others.
I am so blessed and have a big smile because I received and English Bible which is the greatest need in my studies and life.
God bless you all.
Miss Nuam, Myanmar
My name is Miss. Nuam, I study at GB Bible Seminary, Yangon, Myanmar. I am B.Th., 3rd year.
As far as academics, there is no difficulties and no problem in my study, but what I have been facing from my first day in Bible school life is “NO ENGLISH BIBLE”. My teachers and other friends have tried to find English Bibles the last two years but I only received a New Testament printed by the Gideons.
When I am so upset in my life, God makes me happy. Every night I prayed for an English Bible within two years. As far as I can remember I have never been absent in this prayer for an English Bible even one night. God has answered my prayer now.
The English Bible I received today is very good and I should say “BEYOND MY PRAYER AND MY HOPE”
I am the happiest and most blessed lady in the world because God answered BEYOND my prayer. Praise the Lord.
Thanks for your generous donation of an English Bible to us. You have sown the seeds in the best ground, so that many fruits will bear in the very near future. God bless you all. Thanks to you all.
Miss Henm, Myanmar
My name is Miss. Henm, B.Th., first year at NL Bible Collge, Yangon.
God answered my prayer through YOU, God’s chosen people. Most of the Bible students in our country, especially Burmese students from the war-torn fighting areas couldn’t buy an English Bible. Not only are they not able to afford it, but there are no English Bibles even to buy. So, the biggest problem in our country’s Bible schools are the problem of getting English Bible for the students and also getting books for our libraries because it is very difficult to get English books in our country.
So, today, you, God’s chosen people have made me smile because I received a free English Bible and now I own my very own lovely ESV English Bible. This Bible is the very first I have seen and have owned in my life.
You all are great and precious to us because God’s blessings flow to us through you all. You are God’s precious and faithful servants. Your reward in Heaven is so great.
WE all are praying for you and are in our heart.
God bless you abundantly.
Mr. SAmuel, Myanmar
My name is Mr. Samuel, I study at Bethel BT Seminary, Kalaymyo. I am B.Th, final year student.
During this recent situation [the civil war raging just to the west of his city], it is not easy to get Bibles to Kalaymyo from Yangon but God made the impossible, possible for us.
This is the very first time I saw the great ESV English Bible and now have owned one for free. How great to me and my other friends in our seminary.
When I received this ESV English Bible, I praise God with tears - not only me but all the students in our seminary. We are praising God with tears for more than 30 minutes because we understand that only by God has this Bible arrived to us and only by God’s chosen people can things like this happen.
Thanks to all donors for this huge project of Bibles to us for free. God bless you all.
In 2023 a team of Biblia Global couriers carried 479 English Bibles and English Bible reference material to SE Asia where they were clandestinely brought into Bible schools in Myanmar and distributed in 2024. The courses and study material at this seminary are in English, so an English Bible is needed. Testimonies below have been slightly edited for clarity and security purposes.

Mr. Saw LS, Myanmar
My name is Mr. Saw LS, B.Th, 2nd year at DT Seminary, Yangon. My parents could not buy English Bible and also there is no English Bible even to buy in our country. All our second year students (17 students) using together one English Bible belongs by the seminary office. We are studying all subjects in English but only one copy of English Bible in each class. Also in our library 2 copies of Study Bible, one commentary of Matthew Henry, Moody Handbook Systematic Theology, Two copies of The Open Bible. All these books in our library.
Now, I received freely and owned English NIV Bible. I could not believe when I received this Bible freely because it is very difficult to get Bible in our country. God bless you all. Please help us more library books in our library and also other Bible schools in our country. Thank you.
Miss Thina, Myanmar
I am Miss Thina, B. Th., final year student in CT Seminary. I was born and brought up in a Buddhist family. I accepted Christ when I was 17 years old through the challenging of God for my breast cancer. The doctor said to my parents “she will live only 2 months”. When I heard the doctor tell my parents I was so sad.
That time, one pastor came to me and shared about Jesus who is Almighty God and that He can heal cancer. Then I challenged to God and told to the pastor that, “IF GOD HEAL MY CANCER I WILL ACCEPT HIM AS HE IS GOD”. The pastor continually said Jesus healed many people and also raised them from the dead. When I heard that words, I was motivated a lot and requested him to pray for me. He prayed for me and during his prayer, I felt better than if I was in the surgery room. As soon as he finished praying, I felt better and got peace in my heart. After two days, the doctor came and checked my cancer and he said “WOW”. Then he said I cannot see the cancer cell in your breast. After 9 days, I was better and allowed to go back home. After 3 months my cancer was totally healed by God. Then I accepted Christ is my personal savior and Lord.
As I became a child of God, I became highly interested to serve the Lord. I prayed to God to be able to study in Bible school. After two years prayer, God opened the door for me to study in Bible college. Praise the Lord.
When I study in Bible College, everything is going well but I didn’t have an English Bible. The Principal was also trying to get English Bibles for the students but there were no in English Bibles even to buy. I could not smile or be happy in my study life in Bible College because of this.
I became the HAPPIEST AND MOST JOYFUL LADY BECAUSE I OWNED AN ENGLISH BIBLE. Many students still do not have English Bible like me. Please remember in your prayer. God bless you all.
Mr. SG Htoo, Myanmar
My name is SG Htoo, B. Th., 2nd year in BT School. Since I decided to attend Bible School, I have prayed to God to have my own English Bible. But there is no way to get one in our country. After 2 years of prayer, God answered my prayer through the Brothers and Sisters from the West. How great is God.
There are only few books in our library, so that it is very difficult to do our assignments. Also, most of the students do not have English Bibles so that 5 students share one Bible together. This may seem unbelievable during this time in history BUT THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING in our country.
When you see me in picture, you can know how great is my happiness for getting the Bible for free. God bless you all.
Mr. Samuel T, Myanmar
I am Mr. Samuel T., 3rd year of Bachelor of Theology in BT Seminary, Yangon. By the grace of God and thanks to the brothers and sister from the west, I now own an English Bible. I study in English but there is no English Bible. God is so good for me. I should say that more than 67% of Bible students in our country do not have an English Bible. God bless you all.
2022-2023 English BIBLE DELIVERy to Myanmar
In 2022 a team of Biblia Global couriers carried 100 English NIV Bibles to SE Asia where they were clandestinely brought into a Seminary in Myanmar and distributed in 2023. The courses and study material at this seminary are in English, so an English Bible is needed. Biblia Global also funded the transportation of 600 Burmese Bibles into Myanmar in 2022, some of which made its way to this Seminary. Testimonies below have been slightly edited for clarity and security purposes.
Miss Ruth, Myanmar
My name is Miss Ruth, B.Th., first year student. The Military burned our city including our house. We ran for our lives from our city. I prayed to God and God gave me a burden to seek lost souls. God opened the door for me to study in Bible School. Praise the Lord. I got a scholarship for my study but I don’t have an English Bible. We were trying but couldn’t find one. I was really upset. I decided to pray for an English Bible and I have been fasting and praying especially for an English Bible. After one week, I heard the blessed news that all students would receive an English Bible [from the Biblia Global courier team] After I heard that, I praised God and prayed and cried to the Lord for 45 minutes because I really thank God for answering my prayer.
Million thanks to the friends for donating our most need of English Bible. God bless you all.
Mr. S.W. Maw, Myanmar
My name is Mr. S.W. Maw, B.Th., first year. I was born and brought up in a Buddhist family. I attended a summer Bible Camp in April 2022 and accepted Christ as my personal savior and Lord. After I accepted Christ, my parents kicked me out and disowned me as their son and also all my relatives disowned me. Now, I live with the pastor who shared with me about Jesus. God has given me a burning heart to save the lost souls, I wanted to study in Bible college. So, my pastor sent me in this Bible Seminary.
As I am from a Buddhist background, I don’t have a Bible. But today I received Burmese Bible and English Bible freely. God is alive and able to help my needs through His chosen people. Thanks for your donation and deepest concerned to the needy people especially who need a Bible. God bless you all.
Mr. T. Tung
My name is Mr. T. Tung (B.Th., 1st year) from Chin State, Myanmar [Chin state borders India]. I am going to study at the Bible school as a first year student. My father already bought an English Bible in India for me but when the military burned our house my Bible was also burned. So, I was very sad and I had no idea how to get another English Bible for my studies. But God is so good to me. Now, God gave me an English Bible through you. Thank you so much. May the Lord bless you, your family and ministry. Thanks again and again.
Dr. C.K.N. Chuum, Myanmar
I am Bishop Dr. Chuum, the founder of a Theological Seminary in Myanmar and a Believer’s Church network in Myanmar. By the grace of God, He provided a building and other needs for Bible students, but we couldn’t provide English Bible for the students because there is no English Bibles even to buy in our country especially after COVID-19. So, we look to the Lord and prayed to God for more than 2 years as God sent many new students every year. This year, there are more than 120 new students. Also some old students didn’t have English Bible, God heard and answered our prayer through you all.
There are more than 350 Believer’s Churches in Myanmar and most pastors have graduated from our Seminary. They also want to own an English Bible. As there is a great need for English Bibles (NIV, NRSV. NKJV, etc.) in our seminary and other great needs in other Bible colleges in Myanmar, I would like to request to you that you please have concern for our country’s need of English Bible and also used books of Study Bibles, Commentaries, Bible Dictionaries, and others books for the library.
Thanks for your deepest concerned and generous donation of English Bible for our country. May the Lord bless you and your family more and more. You are in the hearts of our Seminary students and we will never forget you. You are in our prayer lists forever.
Mr. Paul T., Myanmar
My name is Paul T., B.Th final year. Even though I am going to graduate this year, I passed my first three years study time without an English Bible because it is very difficult to get any Bible in our country. We study in English but we don’t have an English Bible. Not only me, but most of the students didn’t have an English Bible. Also not only in our seminary, other Bible seminaries students don’t have Bibles. We all depend on an English Bible from library. But now I own my own by God’s grace. PRAISE THE LORD.
GOD BLESS YOU. You are in my heart and in my prayer because you have given me a Bible. Thanks.
Mr. Ceu L., Myanmar
My name is Mr. Ceu L. (B.Th., First year). Today is a very special day that the Lord has made for me because I received an English Bible freely. This is the greatest need that I have in my study at Bible seminary. That I received a Bible freely is INCREDIBLE in this difficult time in my country. I highly appreciated all the brothers and sisters for their faithfulness before the Lord. Thanks to all those who donated and carried and distributed to us. May the Lord bless you all more.
Mr. John, Myanmar
I am Mr. John (B.Th final year). I am going to graduate this year. Even though I am in my final year of Bible studies, I don’t have my own English Bible. Maybe this is difficult to believe but it is real. Since my first year in Bible school, I prayed to God to own an English Bible. After three years and 2 months God answered my prayer for an English Bible. Praise the Lord. Now, I own an English Bible which I received freely. How precious and useful for my study and future ministry. Thank you to everyone who made this happen. God bless you abundantly.
Mr. Samuel, Myanmar
My name is Mr. Samuel, (B.Th., First year). I have been fasting and praying to receive an English Bible within two days. God gave me confidence in my heart but I didn’t know where or how to get an English Bible.
Unexpectedly, I heard an announcement from our principal that English Bibles will be given to all the students freely the next day (June 14, 2023). The next morning, a brother came to our seminary and distributed English Bibles free to all students. The brother told to us that these English Bibles were donated by brothers and sisters from the USA. As soon as I heard about the donors, I looked to the Lord and prayed for you all.
Thank you very much for an English Bible which I eagerly need for my study in Bible school. God bless you all.
Miss. Sarah, Myanmar
My name is Miss Sarah, (B.Th., 1 Year). I have been praying to God since April 1, 2022 when I decided to study in Bible school for an English Bible. Every day I prayed and after 14 months, God answered my prayer for an English Bible.
I promised to you that I will read this Bible every day and study hard. I have decided to follow Jesus till the last of my life. God bless you abundantly.
Miss. Sarah
Mr. Pau T., Myanmar
I am Pau T., B.Th first year. I am very blessed because I received freely and an English Bible from my first year of Bible study. Many of our senior students didn’t have a Bible till their final year and some do not get one until after they graduate.
Since last year, I and my parents earnestly prayed for English Bible because I am going to study in Bible school. God answered our prayer through YOU. A million thanks to the brothers and sisters who faithfully distributed to us freely. To the friends those who carried the Bibles to get here, you all are amazing to me and my friends in our Seminary, and also the needy people of Myanmar. You are in my heart and your names are also in my prayer name list. God bless you all.