Lahu (China, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Burma)
Nestled in the heart of the mountainous region that transcends the national boundary of China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and Burma is a hill tribal group called the Lahu. The Lahu, like the Hmong and other South East Asia hill tribes, have a long standing oral tradition that promised white men and women from across the sea would bring them a book that told of the one true creator God. When the gospel was first introduced to the Lahu in 1901, they readily accepted Christianity and the Bible as the long promised message and book. Yet today, there are Lahu Christians and whole Lahu villages in SE Asia who have never seen a Bible in over one hundred years since the gospel was received by the Lahu! One Lahu Pastor writes, "Most of the village churches did not have a Bible, including the pastors [prior to the 2016 delivery]. The church members had never even seen a Lahu Bible. For an outsider, this is difficult to believe but this was really the situation for the Lahu Christians. There were some churches which only had one copy of a Bible, and that copy was to remain in the church for only the pastor to use and not the church members. Most of our early believers prayed to own a Bible before they died, but did died without having their own Bible or reading a Bible. We are very sad for those who died without a Bible prior to the delivery you made in 2016. "
In the year 2000, the Lahu Christian leadership, sensing that the lack of Bibles for their Christian community was becoming critical, began praying that God would meet their need for Bibles in the next century! Through a series of providential connections, God has allowed Biblia Global, our contacts and partners to begin meeting this need for the Lahu church. Since receiving their first Bibles, the Lahu church has begun to experience a tremendous strengthening in the Lord!
Biblia Global is dedicated to getting Bibles to Christians like the Lahu who have been waiting for generations for their first Bible. The Lahu Bibles are funded from Biblia Global's Bibles for Asia Program. Printing costs are usually $5 - $7 per Bible and transportation cost are roughly $1 per Bible*. What part might you play in getting God's Word to the Lahu and other persecuted Christians? Would God have you give or pray to help meet this need?
Pictures and Testimonies from the 2017 Lahu delivery
Biblia Global donors funded 2,410 Bibles for the Lahu which were delivered in the fall of 2017. Thank you to all who give to our Bibles for Asia project and the “Where Most Needed” fund who made this possible. Names and locations are changed for security reasons. At each location pastors and denominational leaders came to receive a Bible for themselves and multiple boxes of Bibles for their congregations. Because the need is so great, only one Bible per family will be given out. The young people with white tops and blue pants are Bible school students receiving their first Bibles:

Mrs Nancy, PL BAptist church, Burma
My name is Mrs. Nancy from PL Baptist Church. After we received our Lahu Bible plus Hymnal, all benches in the church are full especially during the Sunday morning worship service. I have never experienced this before we received the Bible.
Especially, the greatest change I have seen after receiving our Bible is my husband read the Bible and accepted Christ as his personal Savior and Lord. Also, my parents accepted Christ after they read the Bible. They are born and brought up from Christian family and regularly attended the Church; my dad was a church deacon for more than 35 years but not yet born again. BUT NOW, THEY GOT SAVED. Thank you! So, this is the big changed even in our family.
Miss. Nakyaboo, Womens Director of Northern Shan Lahu Baptist Convention, Burma
My name is Miss. Nakyaboo from P Baptist Church. I am the Women Director of Northern Shan Lahu Baptist Convention. I would like to share to you How great changed and blessed to our Lahu people in Northern Shan State because of receiving Lahu Bible with Hymnal.
More fellowship with God by reading and singing.
They realized more about who is God, how blessed to give to God, following the teaching of Jesus in the Bible, they more love God and each other.
Many people accepted Christ (born again) after received Bible (more than 200 people accepted Christ).
Before they received Bible, they cannot understand more detail about God and His teaching because the pastor only read the Bible. After received Bible, they all can read and study the word of God so that they understand more about God and His teaching in the Bible.
Every worship service, I have seen many people and family shared their testimonies of tasted God’s goodness in their life and family after they received and read the Bible.
People are more interested and enthusiasm to attend the Church and listen the word of God. This is the most important and the main key to grow in both Spiritual and Physical.
So, I would like to say there is great changed in our Lahu people after we received Bible plus Hymnal from you. Thank you very much and praying for you always. We always praying for you and never forget your deepest concerned to us because of God.
Rev. L, Pastor and denominational general secretary, Burma
My name is Rev. L. Before you printed and donated the Lahu Bibles, most of the village churches did not have a Bible, including the pastors. The church members had never even seen a Lahu Bible. For an outsider, this is difficult to believe but this was really the situation for the Lahu Christians. There were some churches which only had one copy of a Bible, and that copy was to remain in the church for only the pastor to use and not the church members. Most of our early believers prayed to own a Bible before they died, but did died without having their own Bible or reading a Bible. We are very sad for those who died without a Bible prior to the delivery you made in 2016. Yet we also believe that these believers who died without a Bible are praising God in heaven and are so happy the Lahu people are starting to get Bibles and have their prayers answered.
Before the Bibles were given to us, it was very difficult to teach the bible and to know the Word of God. The it was very difficult to lead and shepherd our people because they never read the Bible on their own as they didn’t have access to a Bible. The people simply listened to the pastor preach, thus is was very difficult to grow spiritually.
After our Church members received their Bibles, they became so excited to read the Bible every night, read as a family, study as they have time, ask the pastors questions about confusing passages, and checked the pastor’s messages against the Word of God. Now the members of the church read the Bible together while attending church before the service and memorize verses together.
It is very beautiful and most amazing to see each family come to the church with their Bible. I hope when God looks down at the Lahu Christians, he is satisfied to see them reading their Bibles and bringing their Bibles to church. The Lahu Christians study every detail about the Word of God and ask the pastor to have a Bibles study service once a week. So now every church has a Bible study night every Friday night and are becoming strong and motivated by the Word of God. As they read, study, and meditate on the Bible they have grown spiritually the last 9 months since the last distribution. All the churches have incredibly changed their attitude, way of thinking, the way of speaking and the way they respect the pastors. Attendance in church has increased from 20% of the members attending, to over 85% of the members attending because they received Bibles.
I therefore would like to thank you so much for the free Lahu Bibles on behalf of our people. It has been truly amazing to see the changes the last 9 months. You have opened the door for the Lahu to grow and change through the Word of God.
God Bless you all.
Rev. HW, Pastor and denominational general secretary, Burma
My name is Rev. HW, Genereal Secretary of a Lahu Baptist association, and also the pastor of a local Church.
There are 79 churches in our association, most of which are in the villages. There is also a discipleship training center. It is very difficult to get our Lahu Bible even though we have the money. So, our believers have never read a Bible and when they attend church, they don’t bring a Bible with them. Not having a Bible as effected every area of our Christian life. Our association has been praying for Bibles since 2005 and God has answered our prayers through you all.
When our people received their Bibles with a hymnal, they were so happy to have both. Now, when they come to church, they bring their Bible and read it together as a family every night. They have become closer to God because of the time spent reading the Bible. They understand more about the Bible. One of my members testified that when he read 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, he was touched by the Holy Spirit of the importance of LOVE. Previously, he was always arguing with his family and organizations because he could not understand love and how to love. He has decided to love others and as a result, his relationships have improved. Praise the Lord!
Another member accepted Christ when he read Ephesians 2:8-9. Before he read this verse, he always tried to do good things to get to heaven. Now he totally understands and has accepted Christ. Hallelujah!
Some churches in the villages need to extend their buildings after they read their Bibles because the Christians tasted and saw how great God is and they now come to every worship service. What wonderful results to receiving God’s Word. These are amazing changes in the 9 months after receiving the Bibles we received. May the Lord Bless you all more and more.
Rev. Shadrach
My name is Rev. Shadrach, General Secretary of Lahu Denominational Association.
Before we received the Bibles you brought, many young people used drugs and alcohol. The older people were too consumed with their own work to attend church. Many didn’t pray so there was no peace in their family, just arguing with each other. These things negatively affected the church and the Christian faith of the Lahu people. When I watched all of these things happening to our Lahu Christians, the biggest commonality I saw is they don’t have a Bible so they didn’t read the Bible. They don’t know the teaching of the Word of God. God showed me that this is the reason our Christians were struggling.
Therefore, since 2001, we have announced in our association a special prayer for our people to have the Lahu Bible. After 15 years of prayer, God has answered our prayer through you all. God is so good to us and never forgot the Lahu people.
After our people received the Bibles your brought, the young people have become to be more familiar with the Word of God and many young people have stopped using drugs and alcohol. HALLELUIJAH. The parents go to church regularly, pray to God, turn to Him, discuss the Word of God, pray for each other, love each other, and understand how great and important it is to live for Him. Many of our people follow Matthew 6:33 now, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
These have been big changes the last 9 months. I strongly believe that after 2 years, our Lahu people will be totally changed because of the Bibles you gave. Thank you so much for your hard work. God bless you all more and more.
Pictures and Testimonies from the 2016 delivery
Biblia Global donors funded 2,898 Bibles for the Lahu which were delivered in the fall of 2016. Thank you to all who give to our Bibles for Asia project and the “Where Most Needed” fund who made this possible. Names and locations are changed for security reasons. Two kinds of distribution took place: When a distribution took place, individual Bibles were given out to believers (one per family). At other distributions, pastors and denominational leaders came to receive a Bible for themselves and multiple boxes of Bibles for their congregations.

Mrs. Lydia, Sunday School teacher of P Village Baptist Church, Burma
My name is Mrs. Lydia. I am the Sunday School teacher of P Village Baptist Church. I was raised in an orphanage. My parents died in the forest. I do not know how they died. The villagers found their dead bodies and carried them to the village. At that time I didn't not know how to live, but the village leader adopted me. The village leader is a very good Christian and he always taught me about Jesus.
In 2001 I attended a summer Bible training and I accepted Christ in this training. I am so happy from that time on, and I was never discouraged by my life conditions. My adopted father allowed me to study in Bible college and I have completed my Bachelors course in 2009. Now I am serving the Lord in teaching the children. I am so happy and satisfied with my life.
Our older leaders and the older generations all died without having their own Bibles. So most of them were looked down upon by other tribes as being very poor in knowledge, etc. As we have now received free Lahu Bibles our Lahu people will be lifted up by the word of God and we will develop in every areas of our lives.
Thank you for your donation of free Bibles to us. I have 56 Sunday school children, but I only received 5 Bibles for our Sunday school class. We need more Bibles. Please be deeply concerned for us and help us with more Bibles. God bless you all.
Rev. Silas, pastor of K Village Baptist Church, Burma
My name is Rev. Silas; pastor of K Village Baptist Church. I was raise in Buddhism. My dad was the Chairman of the Buddhist monetary. My dad offered many things to the Buddha to prosper and bring success to our family, but we did not prosper. My family only had more and more poverty. Because we received no help I did not believe the Buddha was a real god, so I began searching for the real God. Through a Lahu pastor I have found the real and living God when I was 18 years old (in 1980). I was so happy from that time on and I shared the gospel to our Lahu people by going house to house and village to village. But I am very sad in my life, because my parents died without accepting the Living God.
In 1982 I studied in Bible training school for two years and then I started serving the Lord. I have faced many difficulties in my life. Because of sharing the gospel to soldiers at the Army camp the officer called me and put me in jail two months. In jail we only received one meal and one liter of water for one day. But I shared the gospel in the jail and five prisoners accepted Christ. Now they are missionaries in the remote areas of southern Shan State. After I was released from jail in 1991 I could not stop sharing the gospel. Once I was evangelizing near the Chinese border and a policeman took away my Bible and burned it up. From that time, I have not had a Bible, but I had memorized many verses. So I continued with evangelism and sharing the gospel to others without a Bible. I had no problem evangelizing using only the verses I had memorized. It is very difficult to get a Bible. I have not had a Bible since the policeman burned up my Bible in 1991, but I strongly believed that God would one day give me another Bible. Whenever I have money I try to buy a Bible, but there are no Bibles to buy. It is amazingly difficult to get a Bible. But after 25 years without a Bible, God has given me a free Bible. It's very good Bible with the Hymn book. When I received the Bible I cried out to the Lord and praised God without ceasing.
My favorite verses are John 3:16; Luke 2:52; Philippians 1:21. I would like to say thank you very much to you all for your precious donation to us. You have sown the best seed to the best ground. So these seeds will multiply more than millions of times. We need more copies to get one copy per family. May the Lord bless you all more and more.
Pastor L, N Village Baptist church, Burma
My name is Pastor L, pastor of N Village Baptist church. I have 4 brothers and 4 sisters. We all are 9. Through my grand-father, I accepted Christ when I was 14 years old. When I was 16 years old I started studying in Bible College and now I am serving the Lord as a pastor.
There is only one Bible and five Hymn books in our village that are owned by my grandfather. Thai people printed the Lahu Bible for us, but it is expensive and they printed very few copies. When we have money, there are no Bibles to buy. If there is a Bible to buy, then we have no money again. This condition circling among Lahu tribal people. As the government does not favor the tribal people in our country, especially in Eastern Shan State and Karen state, children are not given proper education. So this Bible can give them more education.
The difficulties in our country for evangelism is that we need to take care of everything. For example, when we share the gospel to Buddhist people, when one person converts, we need to build the church building, etc. These are the most upset conditions in our country. But God is so good and until today we can serve Him. My favorite verses are Matthews 6:33; Colossians 3:23; Psalms 23; Psalms 118:8. Now we Lahu must Praise more and more for what God has done for us. Thanks for your FREE Bible to us. You have OPENED THE DOOR FOR US. This door is the most important door to see the world. Thank you so much.
Rev. Philemon, pastor of N Village Baptist Church, Burma
My name is Reverend Philemon; pastor of N Village Baptist Church. I was raised in a Christian family. I accepted Christ when I was 14 years old. When I was 19 years old I studied in Bible college and I started serving the Lord full time when I was 23 years old. What I love most in ministry is personal evangelism. My vision and joy is to go to non-Christian areas and share the gospel; especially to Lahu Buddhist areas in Eastern Shan State.
I have faced many difficulties when I share the gospel to Lahu Buddhist. Five times I have been beaten by village leaders. Three times I have been stoned with stones. Once a group of 12 young people punched and beat me all over my body, and then they put me in a room for seven days without food. But all these difficulties made me more mature and I tasted how great God is in my life.
The greatest difficulty in our Lahu Christian condition is not being able to get Bibles. I believe all Lahu leaders have faced and experienced this difficulty. According to our Lahu Baptist Convention report in 2015, 95% of Lahu people do not have a Bible and 50% have never even seen a Lahu Bible. It costs 700 Thai Bath (about US$ 20) or more for one Bible. Most village people do not have income, but they just eat from their farms. So it is very difficult to own a Bible. Also there are no Lahu Bibles to buy. It is very difficult to own a Bible.
There is persecution of Lahu Christians. Non-Christian Lahu or Lahu Buddhist people and the Lahu Buddhist monks forbid their people from listening to our sharing about the Lord. Lahu people always follow money, they are very undeveloped in education. Those who are converted to Christ are beaten and exiled from their villages. And Lahu Christians are very weak in knowledge and don't know how to defend their faith. All these happened to them because they do not have Bibles in their villages.
The strong points of Lahu people are firstly that they totally obey their leaders. So if the village leader is converted and becomes a Christian then everyone in the village becomes a Christian. They have obedient spirits. And they are always searching for the truth (which is worthy to believe). So when we share about Jesus and they have tasted God's goodness they can easily believe God and accept Jesus.
My favorite verses are Psalms 119:105; Philippians 4:13; John 3:16. I am so thankful for your donations of free Lahu Bibles. You have given water to those who are thirsty. God bless you all.
I am Reverend Sim. I am 64 years old and I am the pastor of the HK Village Baptist Church. I was raised in a Christian family. My parents always taught me about Jesus and through them I accepted Christ. My dad had a small notebook in which he had written scriptures from the Lahu Bible and all the people in our village depended on this small notebook of Bible verses. By the grace of God there were no difficulties after I was born again, because all of our villagers and most of the neighbor villages are Christian.
As our Lahu Bible is only available in Thailand, it is expensive and also there are not many copies printed. So it is very difficult for us to own a Bible. Most of the people in the villages do not have income, but just only food for their daily lives from their farms. Most of Lahu people in the villages have never even seen a Bible. In the year 2000 we earnestly started praying for Bibles. We prayed to God to have our own Bibles in this century. After 16 years of praying God answered our prayers through His chosen people of you all. My preferred Scripture texts are Ephesians 3:20; Proverbs 3:5-6; and Psalms 1:1-3.
Our tongues cannot express our gratitude for getting our Lahu Bible FREELY. And not only the Bible, but also with Hymn book. We Lahu people love singing. May the Lord bless you more and more. Now we need more Bibles. In my church we have not yet received one copy per family. We now have only 1 Bible per four families. We will pray for you all more and more. You have done the greatest and most precious things for the Lahu. God is so good all the time.
Mrs. Grace, General Secretary of the Women's Department in the Lahu Baptist Convention
My name is Mrs. Grace and I am the General Secretary of the Women's Department in the Lahu Baptist Convention. I was born into a Christian family. When I was 19 years old I accepted Christ through the preaching of Reverend Silah. When I accepted Christ I was really thirsty to read the word of God, but I could not find one Bible even to buy. There were no Bibles to buy even in the Lahu Baptist Convention office.
Because of sharing the gospel to Lahu Buddhists in a village near the China boarder, I was arrested by the villagers and the monk. They asked me to promise to stop sharing the gospel, but I would not give them that promise, so they wanted to kill me. I was in prison for 13 days in total, but then one man came to me during the night and released me from prison so I could escape execution. God is so good!
Since the year 2000 Lahu Christians began praying regularly for Bibles. We have prayed to have at least one Bible for each family in this century. Every Lahu church has been praying this prayer. Now after 16 years of praying, God has answered our Lahu peoples’ prayers through all of you.
My chosen Bible verse for my life is Philippians 4:13, because when I was arrested and the Buddhists tried to kill me, God strengthened me and I was able to stand for God.
On behalf of all Lahu Women I would like to say thank you for your donation of the Lahu Bibles plus Hymns. We Lahu women will never forget you in our prayers. God bless you all.
Pastor KY, pastor of M Baptist Church, Burma
My name is Pastor KY. I am the pastor of M Village Baptist Church. I was born into a Christian family. I got saved when I was 17 years old.
My difficulties in ministry came when I visited and shared the gospel to Lahu Animists. They hated me and sometimes didn't allowed me to enter their village. I was really concerned for their spirits, because they are my tribal people. I do not want them to go to hell. But they are following worldly things like drugs and money.
When I visit the Lahu villages most of the Lahu churches do not have even one Bible. To buy a Bible they have to travel more than 200 miles. If they have only one copy for the church they keep it in the church and even the pastor cannot bring in his home. So all the members never read the Bible. I do not know how to solve this problem of no Bibles, but I trusted God and I prayed to God. Only God can solve this problem for our Lahu people.
I would like to say thank you so much. The free Bibles we received this time are not enough for one copy per family. We received one copy for every three families. Please continually support us and help us. God bless you all.
My favorite Bible verses are Proverbs 3:5-7; and Philippians 4:13.
I am Reverend KH. I am the pastor of the NK Village Baptist Church. I never knew my parents, because often there was fighting in our village. My parents were lost or killed when I was too young to remember them. I became like a gypsy boy—without parents and homeless. But God loved this gypsy boy very much. Every morning I listened to the preaching of of Rev. Tin Maung Tun on the radio and when I was twelve years old (in 1958) I accepted Christ. IT WAS AMAZING TO ME AND OTHERS. After I received Christ as my personal Savior I was so happy and excited for my future. I always believed that my future would be great.
God opened the way for me to study in school and also Bible school. I began serving the Lord as a pastor in 1979. In 46 years of being a pastor I have served 15 Lahu Baptist local churches. For 40 of my 46 years as a pastor I did not have a Bible. I bought a Bible 2010 with 700 Thai Bath (US$ 23). I saved money for seven years so I could buy this Bible. As we live in a remote area, we have no income, but only enough for daily food. Sometimes the Burmese Army took away our family's rice and belongings. It is not easy to own a Bible in our place. There are no Bibles in NK Village. There is only one Bible which is owned by me. Therefore our spiritual and living standards have grown very slowly.
God knows the greatest need of our Lahu people and He touched and used you all to provide Lahu Bibles with hymns for us. You have given the Light to us and from now on Lahu people can gain wisdom concerning things in their lives. My beloved Bible verses are I Corinthians 15:58 and Philippians 4:13. I really thank you all for sending the Light (THE WORD OF GOD) to our Lahu people. Our Lahu people will be able to grow up spiritually in the very near future. We need more Bibles to put one Bible in every Lahu Christian home, so please continue to print more Lahu Bibles.
God bless you all.
Rev. RS, PW Baptist Church, Burma
My name is Reverend RS. I am the Pastor of PW L Baptist Church. I was raised in a by-culture-only Christian family, but my dad always also believed in and followed Animism. He always pushed us to follow him and worship the spirits. My mom and my two brothers and five sisters obeyed him, but I did not. Secretly I went to the church to pray to God.
In 1984 when I was 22 years old I went to [the capital] and attended a summer camp with Campus Crusade. I accepted Christ at that time. PRAISE THE LORD. When I accepted Christ I went back to my village and shared the gospel to my parents and family, but they impatiently and angrily ignored my sharing. They kicked me out from our family. But God is so good and he prepared a place for me to stay. I prayed to God for my parents and family and now they have also accepted Christ.
I married in 1986 and I have six children. We do not have a Bible in our family. It's not easy to own a Bible. We work 8 hours per day and earn only 2,000 Myanmar Kyats (US$1.50). My salary is 15,000 Kyats (US$ 10.86) per month. So it is totally impossible to buy a Bible at US$15 or US$20 per copy. We sometimes don't even have enough money for food. In 1995 the Lahu Baptist Convention tried to buy Bibles for their ministers, but there were no Bibles to buy. WOW. Most Lahu churches in my area have only one Bible for the whole church. Therefore it is very difficult to grow spiritually. The road to my village is amazingly difficult. In summer it's a dusty road. In the rainy season it's a muddy road. The government has not allowed us to build a church, and they must see every sermon before it is preached. But we are still faithful in god and we always worship him. Today God has delivered us from our greatest difficultly of not having Bibles. Today we received the free gift of Bibles plus Hymns and this is unspeakably precious to us. This is the first time I have owned a Bible in my life. I am a pastor, but until today I have never had my own Bible.
Pastor LP, NY Village Baptist Church, Burma
My name is Pastor LP. I am the pastor in NY Village Baptist Church. I was born
To Christian parents. But I never went to church until I was 21 years old. Since I was 11 years old I used drugs and drank alcohol and smoked. When I finished high school in 1981 my parents sent me to Yangon to study in Bible college. After I completed my course I became a full time minister in the Lahu Baptist Association. But I was not a born again Christian. I continually smoked, drank alcohol, and sometimes used drugs.
In 2014 when I visited to northern Shan State for a Lahu conference, I received a free Lahu bible promise book from one of my friends who was a pastor. I read it every day and I was very interested, because I had never owned a Lahu Bible. In August 2014 when I read the chosen scriptures texts about God’s love, God gave me peace and my life and I accepted Christ as my personal Savior and Lord. I had worked as a Christian pastor for 19 years without ever having accepted Christ and being born again.
There was no Bible in my church. So as soon as I accepted Christ I eagerly wanted and yearned to read the word of God, but there was no Bible to read. Several times I traveled 200 miles to the border town in search of a Bible to purchase, but I could never find one for sale. But today I received a free Bible with hymnal from you. I am extremely happy to receive this Bible.
Thank you so much for sending spiritual light to our Lahu people. Now the Light has begun to shine upon our Lahu people and the Lahu people will now see things clearly as God desires. God bless you all.
My most beloved Bible verses is John 3:16, because this verse opened my heart to Jesus.
Rev. D; pastor of WL Baptist Church, Burma
[Ed. Note: Rev. D traveled 123 miles to get Bibles at this distribution]: My name is Rev. D; pastor of WL Baptist Church. All our generations are Christian, so I was raised in a Christian family. Because of my parents I accepted Christ when I was 15 years old. Our family always have family prayer meeting every night. My parents are a very good, born again Christians.
It is not easy to get to town, because there is no car road to our village. Since 2011 we have had a small dirt road to town that only motor bikes can travel on. There is also no school in our area and most of the children don't have any education. The children who do go to school start first grade at 12 years of age, because, the closest school is 15 miles from our village and they need to walk there.
When I as 40 years old (after 14 years in ministry) I received a very old Bible from Reverend Kya Aye. Most of our Lahu people have never seen a Bible. I hope you can imagine how difficult it is for us to own Bible. Thank you very much for your precious donations of free Lahu Bibles. Most of Lahu people says that “receiving this Bible plus Hymns is like dream.” We are all so happy.
My favorite Bible verses is Psalms 23.
Mrs. N, Sunday School teacher in N Village Baptist Church
My name is Mrs. N; Sunday School teacher in N Village Lahu Baptist Church. There are 135 Sunday School children, but none of them have a Bible. Our church has only one Bible. Every week I copy by hand verses which I want to teach my Sunday School children.
Now we received 15 copies of the Bible for free. These Bibles are the most precious gifts for us. Now my Sunday School children will see the Bible with their own eyes. PRAISE THE LORD. Thank you so much for your donation of free Bible to our Lahu people. God bless you all.
Rev. Lyn; pastor in Ph Village Baptist Church, Burma
I am Reverend Lyn; pastor in PH Village Baptist Church. I was raised in a Christian family, but I never went to church until I was 16 years old. Because of the civil war all the houses in our village were burned up and there was no place to stay. I was so discouraged that I tried to kill myself five times. When I was 21 years old I met one Lahu evangelist in the bus and for two hours he told me about Jesus. Then I felt something in my life and I accepted Christ on that day. He suggested that I serve the Lord and he would support all my needs for Bible training in Yangon.
The greatest difficulty in my life is not having a Bible. My ministry is going very well, but I do not have a Bible to study. So I have prayed to God since 2000 to have my own Bible. After 16 years of praying God has given me a free Bible today.
In 1992 I bought one Lahu Bible, but when I reached a check point, one soldier found it and took it from me. I was very sad and also angry at him. So I could only believe God to provide a Bible for me and I prayed every day. Today I received a Bible with hymns for free. How great is God. Thank you very much for your support for our Lahu Bible. Now a few Lahu family freely received one Bible for family. We need more Bible to get one Bible per family.
My beloved Bible verse is Jeremiah 33:3, because God promised in this verse that when I call to him he will answered my prayer. PRAISE THE LORD. God bless you all.
Rev. YB; pastor of C Village Baptist Church, Burma
My name is Reverend YB; pastor of C Village Baptist Church. My parents raised me in Animism. My mother was a priestess of Animism in our village and for the surrounding villages, too. In 1993 my mom fell down while she was praying and making an offering to the devil. Then she could not speak or walk and she became blind. Many Animsts priests came to our house and prayed for my mom, but she did not get better. After six months my mom could speak a little. Then while she was laying on her bed she heard a small voice in her ear saying, “I love you so much, but you have not loved me.” Then my mom asked, “Who are you?” And the small voice spoke again saying, “I am Jesus who died for your sins.” Then my mom responded with a request saying, “If you heal me from my sickness, I will put my faith in you.” From that moment my mom’s body became stronger and stronger, then my mom could stand and walk and she could see. She shouted, “I've found Jesus! I believe Jesus! He healed me!”
From that time my mom put her faith in Christ and so did I. Because of this the other villagers did not allow my mom and I to stay in the village so we moved to another village. God amazingly took care of us. The village leader collected rice from the villagers and gave it to us. Then God gave me the privilege to study in Bible college. Now I am serving the Lord as a pastor.
There is only one old Bible in our church. Some pages are lost, but it is still useful for us, because there is no other Bible in the church. The members never read the Bible, because the Bible must stay in the church. One time the church decided to buy the Bible and collect money, but then there were no Bibles to buy. How difficult it is to get Bibles for Lahu people. But now we received Bibles plus hymns for free from you. We really thank you all who work and sacrifice for this Bible. God bless you all.
My favorite Bible verses is Matthews 28:19-20.
Mr. JH, from P Village, Thailand
My name is Mr. JH. I am the chairman of the Church in P Village. I am 57 years old. My parents were Christians and they were farmers. I had 7 siblings, but four have passed away. I was learning about Christ since I was little, and I realized that even if I have many things from this world, but if I don’t have Jesus, then life is nothing. So I decided to received Jesus and get baptized.
Other people tell me that I don’t have knowledge, because I don’t have a high education, but they think I am striving to be a leader, so they mock me. But I just want to serve God. But I can read the Bible and know how to have the right reaction when people say so many bad things to me. And so I just study the Bible.
Many years ago I caught a disease and my arms became very weak and I could not even hold a cup of water. For three months I was in the hospital, but I was not better. So I got down on my knees and prayed to God to ask for His help and to tell Him I would trust Him to heal me, and then I left the hospital and went back to my village. Then my Mom had some Chinese medicine, and she gave it to me and it healed me quickly. I thanked God for this and since then I have served Him.
I have a Bible, but since I am doing evangelism, all the new believers need a Bible in their home. But there are no Bibles available. So I have been praying for them, and now God is answering my prayer through you. People have been trying to find Bibles, and if we hear a rumor there are Bibles for sale in one town we go there, but we cannot find Bibles anywhere, not even in the big city. Many years ago someone came to our village to sell the Bibles to us, but they were 400 Thai Baht ($15 USD) for one, and some people could afford this, but many families cannot afford this. Many people here are day laborers and they only have enough money to feed their families.
When we go out to evangelize, the non believers say they have been observing the Christian people. They say that if they (the non believers) cut a tree and try to use the wood, then the evil spirits attack them and their families and they get sick. But if the Christians cut a tree and use the wood, nothing happens to them. The evil spirits don’t touch them. So because of this many non believers want to learn about Jesus. And they want to be Christians, because they want to be able to do what the Christians can do. So we are teaching people to read the Lahu language, because not all of them can read, we teach them to sing Lahu Christian songs, and we teach them the Bible. And now drug addicts and alcoholics can stop their addictions as they come to Christ.
I am very happy to receive these Bibles. Recently I contacted my pastor to ask him if he could find Bibles for the new believers, but my pastor could not find any Lahu Bibles for sale anywhere. So we are so happy to receive these Bibles today. And we are starting to build a church now in the village with the new believers
Mary, From P Village, Thailand
My name is Mary. I am 62 years old. I am the activities organizer in the local Church in P Village. And I am also the choir leader. I am also a farmer.
I was raised in a Christian family. Many Lahu people came to Christ over 100 years ago. When I was 12 years old, I heard my pastor say that anyone without Jesus in their life will go to hell, but those who have Jesus in their life will go to heaven. And I didn’t want to go to hell, so I gave my life to Christ at that time. And God has kept me in His way all these years and God is using me to serve him. And from the time I accepted Christ until now (50 years) I have never been to the hospital. God has kept me strong and healthy.
I hear church people tell me I don’t have a high education, and that I am trying to be a leader, and they say I can’t do that. But I don’t receive any money from the church; I only have a desire to serve God and His people, because I love God. But people don’t understand that. And we don’t have a full time pastor now.
I have two children. When they were young I wanted to pray for them, but I didn’t know how to pray for them, so I went to the pastor to ask him to teach me to pray for my children. The pastor told me to pray for them that God would use them to bless other people. So I prayed that way every night while they were growing up. And just now you asked me what was one of the greatest things I have seen God do, I just realized now that God answered that prayer from many years ago as both of my children love God and are serving God in the church. My daughter is even a pastor of a church in Bangkok.
Every time the church goes out to evangelize I go with them. The first time we went to the current village we are evangelizing, a pastor went with us, and there was a woman from that village that followed us around. And then she yelled to us, “Christians, can you baptize me? I want to be a Christian.” So I said that if you want to be a Christian you must come and study with us first. So that day the pastor told the Gospel to her and some others, and the woman accepted Christ that day and was also baptized that same day. Before she accepted Christ this woman had a problem with her arms and they were so weak that she could not even cook for her family. When we went again to that village the next week, the woman was very happy, because God had healed her arms and she had cooked for us.
I am so happy for these Bibles today, because we needed them so much for the new believers. There was no way except by God’s supernatural provision that we could have Bibles for the new believers. Thank God and God bless you all
Mrs. D, from M Village, Burma
My name is Mrs. D from M Village. I am from the Lahu. I was born and raised in a Christian family. I grew up among the hardships the government army put on my Lahu people in the villages. My parents worked hard in their rice field, but the government Army always disturbed them when the rice was ready for harvest. We got only half from the field. The government army took the rest. I was always sad when I thought about this problem in our family and village. I went to school in my village only until grade 5. Most of the time we could not worship God in church on Sunday, because the government army came and forced us to work for them on Sundays. My life was horrible until I was 11 years old. When I was 11, the government army didn’t stop the church services so often.
When I was 12 years old, the Burmese Army forced my father to become a Burmese soldier and to fight in the battles. I earnestly called to God and prayed, “God, if you deliver my Dad from being forced to fight, I will accept that you are the real and only living God.” After I prayed for two nights my Dad came safely back home. So from that night I accepted Christ as my personal savior and Lord. This was the time God convinced me that He is true and I fully turned my heart to Him. My family was aware that God did a miracle for us, so they all became more committed to the Lord. God is so good and the only real and living God who is there to help us in time of need.
After I became a born again Christian, my life and our family life was totally changed. We prayed together every night, peace came to our family, we loved each other more and more, and we went to the Church every worship service. But we had one big problem: we did not have a Bible to read in our family. There were no Bibles for any family in our village. There was only one Bible in the entire village, and that one was in the church.
It is very difficult to get L Bibles in our village and also in country. Our villagers have been praying to have Bibles since 2005. After 10 years of praying, today in 2015, we received them freely. What a wonderful prayer answered from God. Not only the Bible, but the hymnal is also in the same book. How great our Lahu people are blessed by God through some of God’s chosen people in the world.
Matthew 6:33 is my favorite Bible verse, because seeking God first is my life’s most important lesson which I have learned from the Lord.
I am extremely thankful to the donors for our L Bible. May the Lord bless you more and more and we will pray for you always. Your reward in heaven is so great. God bless you all. Thanks again for your free Bible distribution among our Lahu people.
Ms. E, Pastor from D Village, Burma
My name is Ms. E from D Village. I am the pastor of our Church and Vice Chairman of our district. I was brought up in a Christian family, but I did not actually understand about God’s salvation. My parents are farmers and I had the opportunity to attend school.
I accepted Christ in 1981 through the preaching of our pastor. He preached about the life of Jonah and it affected me deeply. God delivered Jonah from the belly of the fish, likewise, I was also delivered from the hands of Satan when I was in sin before God. After I was born again I always prayed to God and in 2009 God anointed me to serve him full time. By the grace of God I am now a pastor and serving the Lord full time.
After I accepted Christ God answered my prayer for my husband. He was a drug addict for more than 12 years. He always used drugs and he never went to church. I prayed for him every day and God answered my prayers. Now he has been delivered from drugs and he is faithfully attending church. He is a deacon in our church now. He accepted Christ on 2011. This is the greatest blessings which I received from God after I accepted Him.
We are very hungry for Bibles. I believe most Lahu do not have a Bible. Some people from some villages have probably never even seen a Bible. We have been praying to have Bibles in our church for each family, but there are no Bibles available to buy. Our church and people in our district have always eagerly been praying since 2008 for Lahu Bibles to become available here. It is really difficult to get Bibles, especially in the remote areas and for people who live in the outlying villages.
Without the Bible I went from village to village evangelizing. But sometimes I faced problems for not having a Bible. Many people from other religions looked down on me, because I did not have a Bible to prove what I was sharing. But now I have my own Bible plus hymns. What a perfect book for our Lahu people.
My golden text is John 14:6, because only Jesus is the way for my life.
I cannot express my thankfulness to all the sponsors for giving us free Bibles for our Lahu people. May the Lord bless you all abundantly. We are praying for you all and we need more Bibles and hymnals to be printed. God bless you all.
Mr. S, from M Village, Burma
My name is Mr. S. I am from M Village. I was raised in a Christian family. But I was just a Christian, because my parents were Christians. But then I was diagnoses with cancer. I had heard that Jesus could heal, so I prayed to God to heal my cancer. And after praying for one year, God really healed me from cancer. For this reason, I accepted Jesus Christ. He is my healer, savior and Lord.
After I accepted Christ I stopped using drugs and God has given me a good health. I always pray to God and also share to others about my healing. Many people accepted Christ through my sharing of God’s healing power in my life. This is amazing how God is saving people Christ through this testimony.
But sometimes when I share the healing power of God to others, people have stoned me. Two times I was in hospital after being stoned. But God healed and delivered me from the big wounds in my body.
In our village there were no Bibles until today. Most of the villagers never have even seen our L Bible. We have 3 hymnbooks in our village. We only depend on responsive reading from the back of our hymnbook. By the grace of God, now we have our own L Bibles and hymnbooks. These are so very precious for Lahu people. Now our village got one Bible with hymnal per family. There are 78 families in our village.
My favorite verse is John 10:10, Jesus gives me not only life but also abundant life.
I am greatly thankful to all the sponsors of our L Free Bibles. You have promoted our Lahu people spiritually and physically through this Bible. God bless you!
Mr. A, Burma
My name is Mr. A. I am an evangelist. I was brought up among the animist people. I accepted Christ through a dream. God called me and showed me the things which will happen to me if I do not accept him. I saw some of the horrors of hell, and it scared me. I accepted Christ in 2010.
After I was born again my life totally changed. I tried to share with my animist friends about the dangers of hell that God showed me in the dream, and I shared with them the Gospel of Jesus Christ, at least the little bit that I knew. But I was eager to hear the Gospel more and more, so I started attending the church and began fellowshipping with other Christians.
God has given me many blessings in my life. He gave me strength to share the Gospel many times, and through my sharing 57 people have accepted Christ and they are very faithful in Church. This is an amazing blessing from God for me.
I had a Lahu Bible before, but it is too old. Most verses are faded and not readable, and it is very difficult to handle now, because pages are falling out. I have prayed to God since 2012 asking for a new Bible, since there are no Lahu Bibles available here. Now God has answered my prayer to have new Bible, plus it also has the hymnal in the back. That’s an extra blessing.
My loveliest Bible verses are Matthew 6:33 and John 14:2,3.
Through this Bible, I can observe which teachings are true and which are false. I really thank you all. God bless you all.
What these free Bibles mean to all Lahu people is that our spiritual lives will be lifted up and we will have success in our work through the teaching of God’s word. Unspeakable thanks for your donations.
*Your gift to Biblia Global and our Bibles for Asia Project will pay for the printing of Bibles to our Asian brothers and sisters in the hardest to reach places of the globe. Unfortunately we cannot preference gifts to go to an individual people group's Bible printing or to a specific Asian country; we instead pool the money given to the Bibles for Asia Project to fund the next Bible printing and/or delivery to the believers in greatest need of Bibles. Printing costs are usually $5 - $7 per Bible and transportation cost are roughly $1 per Bible.