The power of the written Word of God in an individual’s language can hardly be overstated. Yet there are millions of Christians in the world today without their own Bible. Biblia Global's vision is to get a printed Bible into the hands of every follower of Jesus Christ, including Christians in China. Read on to find out what we do, where we work, and how you can help ...
How Can you help?
As a result of the ongoing civil war and conflict in Myanmar, many young people have begun turning to the Lord and entering Bible schools to seek to serve the Lord with their lives. The courses and study material at these Bible schools and seminaries in Myanmar are in English, so an English Bible is mandatory. One of the greatest needs then for these young people's study is an English Bible, yet next to impossible for students and instructors to find within such a closed , war-torn country. These are the next generation of pastors, shepherds, and Christians leaders in Myanmar and it is an honor for Biblia Global to help meet this need. Biblia Global sent 3,957 English Bibles and Bible based material to Myanmar in 2024 where it was clandestinely brought into Bible schools and seminaries. The Bibles were distributed in 2024 and will continue to be distributed into 2025. Click HERE to view more testimonies and pictures of this effort and to read more about this project.

2023-2025 BIBLE DELIVERY TO KHMU and other beleivers in a closed SE Asian country
Biblia Global donors funded 4,000 Bibles for Khmu and other believers in a SE Asian country in 2023 and the Bibles were delivered in 2023, 2024, and will continue to be delivered into 2025. Faces and language are blurred for security purposes.

During the spring of 2023, Biblia Global funded the delivery of 17,776 Matu Chin Bibles to waiting Christians in Chin state, western Myanmar. Names and locations are changed for security reasons. Our contacts involved in the delivery shared that Matupi is a hot spot for Myanmar’s civil war. Gun fire and explosions can be heard around Matupi, so the Burmese military is strict in this area. Please pray for the safe delivery of all Bibles and safety for the individual believers! To learn more about the China and read testimonies from this delivery, please go HERE.

2023 Bible Deliveries to Akha Christians, PArt 2
In 2023, Biblia Global funded the transportation of 30,000 Bibles for Akha Christians in Myanmar, distributed throughout the spring and summer of 2023. This was the third complete Akha Bible printing that Biblia Global has helped with. The entire Bible in the old Akha dialect was only available for the first time in 2019 when Biblia Global helped with that first printing. To learn more about the Akha and read testimonies from this delivery, please go HERE.

2022-2023 Bible Deliveries to Akha Christians, PArt 1
In 2022, Biblia Global donors funded 10,000 Bibles for Akha Christians distributed over late 2022 through 2023. This was only the second time the Akha have had the Old Testament and complete Bible in the old Akha dialect that the majority of Akha people can read! The first printing of the complete Bible was printed in 2019, and Biblia Global helped with that printing as well. To learn more about the Akha and to see more pictures and testimonies from this delivery, please go HERE

2022 Bible Delivery to Phadei Chin believers
Biblia Global donors was apart of funding the delivery of 15,000 Bibles for Phadei Chin believers in 2022. These Phadei believers had been praying for Bibles for their people for over 60 years. An initial printing of 500 Bibles was done in 2011 in Myanmar, but it was of such a poor quality that letters and words were missing and each Bible weighed 2.2 lbs, nearly double what a regular Bible would weigh. The large international Bible organization who arraigned the printing in Myanmar of the Phadei Bible then tried to sell that Bible back to the people, the vast majority of whom could never afford to buy it. The full story can be read HERE. These believers were overjoyed, to say the least, upon finally receiving high quality, portable Bibles for every Phadei believer after 60+ years of praying! We highly encourage you to read their testimonies upon receiving their Bibles HERE!

2022 Bible Delivery to the SQAW KAREN
Biblia Global donors funded 20,000 Bibles for the Sqaw Karen which were delivered in the winter of 2021-2022. These Bibles were funded in 2020, but due to COVID 19 and the February 2021 military coup in Myanmar, the delivery could not take place until late 2021/early 2022. Thank you to all who gave to Biblia Global and to for providing the matching gift challenge that helped fund this project!
Those who received these Bibles range from: students in Bible schools in Myanmar receiving their first Bibles; Church distributions to Christians in Myanmar and Thailand; Sqaw Karen refugees escaping the civil war in eastern Myanmar; and Karen soldiers protecting each of these groups. Each of these groups were hungry for the Word of God in their heart language. God answered their prayer through you, our donors! To learn more about the Sqaw Karen and to see more pictures and testimonies from this delivery, please go HERE:

Some Christians don't have God's Word because of poverty. Sometimes because of government opposition or isolation. Whatever the cause, Biblia Global's vision is to place a Bible in the hands of every follower of Jesus Christ who needs one. By doing so we are helping to equip God's people to be the Church in their communities. To be evangelists, teachers, missionaries, pastors, Christian leaders; better mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, children, and friends. To be salt and light.
Imagine the impact of millions of Christians equipped with God's Word. Imagine millions rooted, built up, and established in their faith, living life according to the Word of God. This is our dream.
“And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”